Product & Safety Information Links
When reading through various descriptions of our products, it helps to have a little background knowledge of how Erotic Electro Stimulation works. Besides principles behind the theory of this type of stimulation, it is important to remember that these products do utilize electricity. Therefore, there are safety warnings, specific cautions, and ground rules for how electricity is conducted and should be used. Please read the following paragraphs and links carefully, and above all, BE SAFE.
Please note that all Electrodes require a P.E.S. Power Box in order to function. The Electrodes are all sold separately from the P.E.S. Power Box and P.E.S. Low Profile Leads. Also, all single pole Electrodes require a second Electrode in order to function. It can be either another single pole Electrode or a double pole Electrode. Please keep this in mind when placing your orders.
P.E.S. products are not designed or intended to cause any unintentional pain or discomfort. Erotic Electro Stimulation should be a pleasurable experience, even if in a 'painful' way. A great way to ensure proper use is to follow measurement and placement instructions implicitly, and by always asking questions if you feel unsure.
Our friendly and knowledgeable staff can be contacted to assist with any further questions you may have. Also, check out the Discussion Forum for images of products in use and posts by your fellow P.E.S. customers about their experiences.
The Links below contain a lot of basic information on PES products as well as electro stimulation.
- Links Definitions/Explantions
What is Erotic Electro Stimulation (E.E.S.)?
Super-Simple Basics of Erotic Electro Stimulation
What is Electro-Flex™?
Glossary of Terms
- Links to Safety Information
Important Safety Warnings---Please Read!
- Links about Lubrication
What kind of lubrication do I use on my P.E.S. Electrodes?
(Cautions about Lubrication)
- Beginner Advice
Electro Sex for Beginners
Introducing Women to Electro Sex
What is Erotic Electro Stimulation (E.E.S.)?
Super-Simple Basics of Erotic Electro Stimulation
What is Electro-Flex™?
Glossary of Terms
Important Safety Warnings---Please Read!
What kind of lubrication do I use on my P.E.S. Electrodes?
(Cautions about Lubrication)
Electro Sex for Beginners
Introducing Women to Electro Sex